Policy on the Use of Generative AI and AI-assisted Technologies in Publication
Authors are permitted to utilize generative AI to enhance the readability and language quality of their writing. However, it is crucial that:
Authors thoroughly review and edit the output generated by AI tools, ensuring the accuracy of their submissions.
AI LLM (Large Language Model) should not be acknowledged as an author or co-author in any publication.
Authors employing AI in the scientific writing process must disclose the use of AI LLM in the Methods section.
Authors must include a statement at the end of their manuscript, preceding the References section, titled “Declaration of Generative AI and AI-assisted Technologies in the Writing Process.” This statement should provide transparency regarding the use of such technologies in the creation of the manuscript.
Authors are strictly prohibited from utilizing AI or AI-assisted tools to create or modify images, graph or videos in submitted manuscripts. All visuals included in manuscripts must be created or altered by human authors without the use of artificial intelligence technologies.
The use of AI should be below 15%.
The policy will become effective from June 23, 2024 onwards.
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